마이크로파이썬 : ESP32 및 ESP826HC 초음파센서
내가 자주 가는 사이트 중하나에서 재미있는 샘플이 있어 기록하고자 한다.
Random Nerd Tutorials | Learn ESP32, ESP8266, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi
Random Nerd Tutorials | Learn ESP32, ESP8266, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi
Random Nerd Tutorials helps makers, hobbyists and engineers build electronics projects. We make projects with: ESP32, ESP8266, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Home Automation and Internet of Things. If you want to learn electronics and programming, you're in the ri
마이크로 파이썬 - MicroPython + ESP32 + ESP8266 을 활용해서
거리값얻고, OLED 디스플레이에 값 표현
MicroPython: HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor ESP32/ESP8266 | Random Nerd Tutorials
MicroPython: HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor ESP32/ESP8266 | Random Nerd Tutorials
Learn how to use the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor with ESP32 and ESP8266 NodeMCU to get the distance to an object using MicroPython firmware. Get the distance to an object and display it on an OLED display.